Comprehensive policy


Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety Policy.

Preymontub is a company engaged in the installation of pipes and industrial structures, assembly and welding of high quality, founded in Tarragona in 2015 and working with its own staff, and also with attraction of external experts, if necessary and with a full guarantee. Since our foundation, we have worked on projects for the leading companies in chemical, energy, pharmaceutical and wine industries.


Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety Policy

We understand that our future in this sector is determined by satisfaction of our customers and suppliers, so we strive to maintain the integrated management and development of our processes and services, principles of Quality and Environmental Protection in the organization's work, as well as in the requirements of SST.

Thus, in accordance with the process of continuous development, the following obligations were defined and begun to be implemented:

- Preventing the ill health and continuous improvement of management and implementation of SST.

- Obligation to comply with the relevant legal requirements, applicable to work, environment and SST.

- Focus on the creation of value and economic growth, based on profitability, avoiding the costs caused by faulty work, delays and, in general, any activity that does not bring the real benefits.

- A commitment to our work in management, which guarantees continuous improvement of pollution prevention processes, working methods and stakeholder relations through the establishment and periodic evaluation of quality indicators, environmental objectives and SST.

- Ensuring customer satisfaction by meeting his requirements, maintaining a capability to capture his expectations and needs, giving a sense that we are more than suppliers, but participants of a common project, constantly guided by professionalism, ethics and transparency in our activities.

- Cooperation with the suppliers, creation of partnerships based on trust, loyalty, openness, mutual respect and assistance, involvement in the environmental and quality aspects in common processes.

- An obligation to protect the Environment and Ecology through the actions and measures aimed at the prevention of any kind of pollution that may arise as a result of our activities.

- Awareness, dissemination and enforcement of applicable legal and other requirements of the organization, in both ecological and quality sectors.

- Waste management, reducing its production, increasing reuse and promoting the recycling. Developing the mechanisms which provide dissemination of this policy inside and outside PREYMONTUB.

From management
June 2018

Calle Terrassa, 10
43204 Reus, Tarragona
Tel: (+34) 977 424 457

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